Donald the Hippie
Pictured: Donald Trump rejuvenated!

Donald Trump finds his 'inner self'.

Decided it was time to try the 'hippie' lifestyle.

27th March, 2024.
Leaving nothing to chance, and inspired by the 'California Effect', Donald Trump has decided to embrace an alternative approach to life and spend some time enjoying the free spirited attitude enjoyed by old-fashioned hippies.
"What a wonderful feeling this is", said Donald. "I wish I had done this years ago", he added. But unwilling to let go of his core values, he is still promoting the 'Make America Great Again' ("MAGA") ideology and encouraging all countercultural and alternative lifestyle advocates and practitioners to accept that the country really does need saving.
This new trend has been initiated exclusively by Donald, and employs all of the traditional American core values combined with completely unfettered freedoms. "This should appeal to everyone who loves America", he proclaims. To emphasise this new theory, he has even commissioned new MAGA medallions to be minted for everyone to wear. Made from pure pyrite, this new medallion represents everything that Donald stands for. He said you would have to be a fool not to wear one.
Come Presidential Election day, it remains to be seen how much impact Donald's new look will have on the voters on all sides of the social spectrum. If it works, Donald will be returned to the White House in spectacular fashion, with a history-making margin of support over his (allegedly) dementia-ridden opponent, Joe Biden. In fact, if and when he is returned to the White House, he has further promised to paint it in rainbow colours - to demonstrate his support for those who openly practise unorthodox lifestyles.
There are a few downsides to this experiment. Firstly, Donald has incurred the wrath of the Democratic Party who believe he is trying to 'steal their thunder'. They have decided to challenge Donald directly by asking their Head of Culture (see below) to place a curse upon him and try to destroy him with witchcraft.
Democrat Head of Culture
Donald's 'best buddy' in Russia (President Vladimir Putin) has also expressed concern about developments in Trump's personal and political life. 'Vlad the Lad', who is strongly opposed to anything that does not meet his strict macho principles, has sent Donald a gift (see below) so he can demonstrate that he is still "butch and manly", as Vlad put it. "Take off those ridiculous clothes and ride your horse every day", said Vlad.
Putin's Gift Horse

Maga medallion
The MAGA medallion.

Older news for January to March 2024 has now been archived here: 2024: 1st Quarter.

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About Me

I can be a bit of a contradiction. I take some of life's issues very seriously, but also possess a wicked sense of humour. It's not to everyone's taste, but to be frank, I do not care.

Being a pensioner who will be 70-years-old this year, I think I am entitled to do as I please. Managing this website, along with numerous others, is my hobby. But upon moving home again, and leaving the country where I currently reside, I am hoping to get out more and free my mind of the daily vigours that I am currently experiencing. My latest 'torment' is that after the last earthquake I experienced,and the house shaking so badly I thought it would collapse, the ground has not stopped moving. That was over 6 weeks ago. Will the constant swaying motion ever stop?

With luck, I shall have vacated this part of the world this year, and hopefully before my next birthday. I have to add though that I am saddened, mildly depressed, and sickend by the state of the world in which I live. It seems killing people is preferable to finding common ground and compromise. The human race is, in my opinion, degenerating and looking for any reason to commit atrocities purely for the same of pride and ambition. If this were happening in volatile nations where conflict is common, I could understand (but not condone) this behaviour. But I see Western nations approving a blood-soaked answer to regional disputes (such as Ukraine). This can only lead to the world becoming a much more dangerous place.

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